Facial Gua Sha : Using the Bian Stone Gua Sha tool (available for purchase), this add on will support fascia release, stimulate circulation & allow oxygen flow to the surface of the skin, soften fine line & wrinkles, and relax tension in the shoulders, neck, jaw, and so much more.

Scalp & Hair Oil Treatment : This is a wonderful add on for folks wanting to tend to scalp conditions like dermatitis, dandruff, and hair loss - includes a full head massage, scalp stimulation/gua sha, brushing, and then a warmed oil applied to entire head - be prepare to leave the studio heavily oiled and you will have to wash the treatment out at home.

Add 30 min to make it a 90 : Make your 60 minute facial a 90, this will include longer facial massage, an extra mask or exfoliant, and décolleté care depending on clients needs or interests.

Arm & Hand Oil Massage : This was an original offering LBK included in all facials but is now an add on, with this Kelly will use an Herb infused (essential oil & fragrance free) massage oil that compliments your skin and limbs needs, massaging shoulders, arms, and hands - aiding in those with tender arms & hands, as well as skin conditions like dryness & eczema.

Dermaroller / Needle Roller : This is for those who are looking for better product absorption, as well as a wonderful treatment for acne scars, deep set wrinkles, and hyperpigmentation. This is a non-invasive service, that being said skin may feel slightly sensitive after or during treatment. The roller used contains real needles.

Dry Brushing : This will include Face, Neck, Chest, and arms using a dry brush made from natural fibers - improves lymphatic drainage, promotes circulation, removes dry/dead skin. Will follow with a gentle Lymphatic arm/ hand massage using an oil.